Apple undercuts Palm

The Palm Pre was just released on Saturday at $199. Reports seem to be consistently saying that Palm was successful in selling the quantities that they wanted over the weekend. The Palm Pre looks like a great device with lots of potential for techy consumers that want some thing new and something non-Apple, Blackberry, etc. […]

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7 things I keep in mind

It’s been a little nuts not having a normal day job lately. The unemployment checks are now steadily flowing in and it’s great that I have enough coming in to keep afloat, but it’s definitely tight. I’ve really tried to keep a good schedule of applying to jobs in the morning and then doing iPhone […]

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Time Extension!

+72:00:00;00 or however long it takes… So, it’s day 31 and my app from the previous post has not yet been submitted to the AppStore. However, I have made what I consider to be great progress and I’m still doing my best to release the app in a timely fashion. Part of creating the app […]

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