
My Portfolio page here will be updated from time to time with links to various projects I’ve done. (I’m working on making a better version of this page)

Playing with Tech (these are projects I’ve been playing with to get familiar with tech I don’t currently use on a regular basis)

React demo with responsive CSS Flexbox using BrowserRouter and Redux : https://www.jeff-sawyer.com/reactapp/

Simple React game: https://jeff-sawyer.com/catch-the-thief/index.html

Epic! For Kids Projects

AB test of a large book carousel vs a small book carousel (with many more books) to determine if one is interacted with more than the other and determine if conversions are impacted. Books can be clicked on and once signed up, the user can read the book they chose instantly.

Namco Projects

Namco 40th anniversary newsletter signup.

“Coming soon” and “Available Now” sections per platform based on “game data” provided in a json feed for game pages.

Interstitials loaded into redux/ngrx store and managed client side based on location in the webapp.

Custom deals page with filtering for platform and sorting by discount, time left and alphabetically with sections for each specific sale for deep linking purposes.

Trion Projects

This is the global navigation bar loaded on all trionworlds pages – it’s a completely independent chunk of code to render this bar such that it can be maintained without any interruption of the sites it’s used on and longer term ideas had this as something that could help to check api’s for auth, cart status, etc.

A quick video to show some of the interactions with the global navigation

A quick video to show the responsiveness of the Trove registration page.

Defiance 2050 registration page. This is one of the newest version of out registration pages and uses two small scripts to handle DOM manipulation and AJAX calls for registration against the backend JAVA services.

The Trion Worlds “Corporate” site got rebuilt in 2016 or so to look a little more “game studio” and focus on the games.
ArcheAge 3.5 Landing page This is the ArcheAge 3.5 Landing Page (note, an archived version can be viewed here: https://web.archive.org/web/20161205164746/http://www.archeagegame.com/en/revelation/).


  • Interative spinner animation to click and reveal a hidden code to claim. You can see this at https://jsfiddle.net/9aa979qj/.
  • Special hover effect and click effects based on where you click to open the screenshots.
  • Leveraged Freewall to provide a dynamically laid out visual of screenshots that would be easy to manage additional updates.
  • Lazyloading and preloading of videos and larger assets that won’t be used until visible on the page (i.e. scrolled to).
RIFT 4.2 Landing page
This is the RIFT 4.2 Landing Page.
RIFT Interstitial Ad
This is an old page from the launch of RIFT. The RIFTGame.com Interstitial Ad was ran to drive more traffic to purchase RIFT on the buy now page.
RIFTgame.com Interstitial Ad Video PopUp Player
This is the RIFTgame.com Interstital Ad with the video player open. This popup box was an elegant solution to dim the lights and allow the user to focus on the video content.
RIFTgame.com Homepage and endorsements / quotes
Along with maintenance of RIFTgame.com, I also implemented rotating endorsements about RIFT from several review sites. Using jQuery\’s cycle, I was able to easily randomize these endorsements. I also created an internal PHP script that allowed for easy updating and additions and rapid deployments.
RIFT Game Launcher
One of the most exciting projects I worked on is integrated into the RIFT Game Launcher itself. Utilizing a custom PHP-based solution, I have control over showing specific ads to users based on various criteria. This is also designed for rapid deployments and the ads load on the fly over the web.

Namco Projects

NamcoGames.com 2nd Major Revision (Unreleased) - Powered by Drupal CMS with custom modules and login integration to Unite
NamcoGames.com 2nd Major Revision (Unreleased) – Powered by Drupal CMS with custom modules and login integration to Unite
The definitive site for all things PAC-MAN, PACMAN.com powered by Drupal CMS
The definitive site for all things PAC-MAN, PACMAN.com powered by Drupal CMS
Pool Pro Online 3 with UniteSDK integration for leaderboards on the web
Pool Pro Online 3 with UniteSDK integration for leaderboards on the web
Final Fantasy Promotional Website
Final Fantasy Promotional Website
PAC-MAN CE for Mobile Sweepstakes Promotional Website
PAC-MAN CE for Mobile Sweepstakes Promotional Website
Custom Drupal Theme for Gwen The Magic Nanny website
Custom Drupal Theme for Gwen The Magic Nanny website
Custom Drupal Theme and Drupal Blog for tinseltowndreams.com
Custom Drupal Theme and Drupal Blog for tinseltowndreams.com
AT&T, Universal Studios and Namco Partnership for The Wolfman Mobile Game website promotion
AT&T, Universal Studios and Namco Partnership for The Wolfman Mobile Game website promotion

Personal Projects

Rollerhome.com and Havenskate.com - Developed a custom PHP/MySQL based Content Management System (CMS) and social networking site.
Rollerhome.com and Havenskate.com – Developed a custom PHP/MySQL based Content Management System (CMS) and social networking site.
Filmed and Edited R Society and event coverage for Havenskate.com and Rollerhome.com.
Filmed and Edited R Society and event coverage for Havenskate.com and Rollerhome.com. Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c2OY-rr-8Q
ManagedMarks.com was launched on May 28th, 2009. It's a completely custom PHP/MySQL based Team Based Bookmarking Site.
ManagedMarks.com was launched on May 28th, 2009. It\’s a completely custom PHP/MySQL based Team Based Bookmarking Site.